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Local News Section - Tower District News
 Vol. 4  No. 3 Established 1984
Fat Tuesday Feb. 27, 2001
Fat Tuesday Fallout
Tower Event Misses the Mark, Again!
By The Tower News Staff

Budweiser sponsors Tower Mardi Gras - TDN photo     TOWER -- Isn't it curious that in New Orleans, Mardi Gras has no corporate sponsors? There is not one corporate logo on any of the floats in over 60 Mardi Gras parades.
    Mardi Gras in the Tower should be faithful to the original -- an event put on by the community for the community, not a marketing committee profit center. Everywhere, except in Fresno's Tower District, Mardi Gras is known as the world's largest free street party.
The Fat Tuesday Celebration in Fresno's historic Tower District has often been criticized for operating a money making event at the expense of tradition. As a result, the TDMC has indirectly disrupted normal neighborhood traffic and has been known to block streets for hours.
     There is routinely no parking on local streets for miles in all directions. This year, the TDMC at least took pity on local residents. Arm bands were issued by TDMC officials to some residents so they could pass through checkpoints freely.
    It seems there is too little atmosphere provided these days and precious little to offer in the way of seating and musical variety. Packed clubs and only three stages are available for a gate of around 15,000 people (I know of more than one hole in the fence). For a take of $75,000 it's a wonder why TDMC can't find it in their hearts to provide the crowd with more seating options. I have seen thousands sitting on curbs, bike stands and fire hydrants. Ouch!
     Lest we forget, the Tower District Preservation Assoc. also had these difficulties in pulling off a smooth Arts festival. After eight years of trying they quit cold. Why? Between the Fresno PD demanding about $800 and the City of Fresno requiring evidence of a $1 mil liability insurance policy, they were so strapped for cash the Association was forced quit.
     If that wasn't enough, all food vendors associated with the TDPA event were required to be fully insured for liability. When vendors found that out, most of them backed away from participating in the festival.
    In the case of Tower Fat Tuesday, its just like the Fresno Fair, thousands of people milling about wondering when the fun begins for their $5 bucks. Tower marketing provides merely three performers to fill the three outdoor stages - Blues Street Jazz Band, Glen Delpit, and Bad Boy Zydeco. These are popular local bands, but let's face it, Chain link fence surrounds the Tower - TDN photo15,000 people want to hear a lot more music when they are stuck behind chain link fences. Is this what TDMC means by a captive audience?
    People who paid to get into this event should expect a great selection of vendor booths. We found out, however, there weren't very many of them. No wonder, how many beads do you have to sell to cover the $500 TDMC booth charge? A bunch!
    The people this reporter met up with didn't seem to think that the Tower organization adds much value to the reputation of the community through mismanaged and overcrowded events like this one. But, we realize that some local merchants have profited from increased sales during the events, like Starbucks. They need it, I guess.
    For the smart set who don't have time to play the TDMC stand and wait game, there's always The Movies in Van Ness Village. That's where you can get, jazz, blues, and zydeco music videos all year round to celebrate Mardi Gras in the safety and comfort of your living room. Invite some friends and feel free to stop by --I have extra chairs.

[Editor's Note: For Mardi Gras traditions, see the related column, Cajun Mardi Gras!]

Letter to the Editor

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