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Tower 2000 News - E-mail Bag Section
 Vol. 4  No. 2 Established. 1984 -2001
Tower Blights
Cell Tower an Eyesore
Who's at Olive and Linden?
Dining Landmarks
Mardi Gras 2001
Mardi Gras 2001

Moon Over Buffalo

Hot Mail! The Tower2000 News [TNT] & Tower2000.com Editors welcome comments from our readers. Sender names will be included unless you specify otherwise in your TNT E-mail.
    The TNT News Editor receives piles of e-mail responses to the TNT op-ed columns, features, and news stories published in the past years since the first issue hit the streets in 1990. A small representative sample of current TNT e-mail follows. Note that text spellings and formatting are published here as received and edited for length:

    The Tower2000 News [TNT] & Tower2000.com Editors welcome comments by snail-mail and e-mail from our readers. Names will be included unless you specify otherwise in your TNT E-mail. Respond!

    The Editors receive piles of e-mail responses to the TNT op-ed columns, features, and news stories published in the past years since the first issue hit the streets in 1990. A small representative sample of current TNT e-mail follows. Note that text spellings and formatting are published here as received and edited for length:

Thanks!Editor: Re Nitzel's bias. We are so lucky to have the Tower 2000 News online here in the Tower District. Your view is welcome and we wont shut you out because of it. Its a free country. We feel it's important to have our Tower community and its functions and features on line! This TNT newspaper has thousands of readers because of its coverage of Tower faces and places. It always has a great variety of stories. Our Tower shops sponsor it and depend on it and pay to advertise in it. We all support it and we love its great diversity of coverage and writing. It's good for business. It's what people with good sense want in a local newspaper. Although the Tower District has many fine attributes, its best feature, by far, is our local Tower News. What a gem it is. -T. McGarr

Thanks!Editor: Re TNT News Content: I am 10 year old staunch Republican! I like your paper. I found it accidentally looking for information for the web site I am building for school. I would like to know if I could have permission to link to your site and if you could give me permission to use the pictures you have on your site dated December 19, 1996 about the Old Mummies found in China. I am building a web site for ThinkQuest Jr. Thank you, God bless, long live the Republicans. -Dane

Thanks!Editor: Re McCain in Tower 2000 News.

An Exciting Dream is Happening!
In the year 2000...
He came upon the scene
To steer us in a new direction
And help us see a dream
Of character and honor,
Courage and truth;
A White House to be proud of
And a President to believe.
John McCain 2000--A Hero for Our Time!

- Spencer Stauffer

Thanks!Editor: Re Web Site Opinion. This is my first time back to this site in a while and imagine my surprise when I saw this had turned into a one-man show to express opinions and has very little to do with the "Tower District". How unfortunate because I thought the old site was great. This new site appears to be political in nature. What a shame! I will not be back! -Barbara Nitzel

Thanks!Editor: Re Web site improvements. Allow me to congratulate you and your staff on the excellent caliber of the Tower 2000 News writing and editing. As usual, a first rate effort benefit all who know Tower District amenities. It occurred to me last weekend as I ate a splendid lunch in the Daily Planet, what a singular contribution you have made especially to the Internet and its millions of users. I know that every one in Fresno must be very proud of Tower 2000.com and the image it projects to the World of the wonderful Tower District area. Please know how proud we all are of you and what you have built the Tower2000 Web site into for all of us to enjoy. - M. Maibach

Thanks!Editor: The TNT John McCain Campaign column started me thinking. I've been a Democrat or independent most of my life because the GOP didn't want anyone with a different opinion. Now the GOP brings us John McCain. He's open and direct about where he stands.
He wants to give voice to the masses in the political process. I still don't agree with half of his positions, but it's refreshing to find a candidate so willing to take chances.
If he doesn't win the nomination, at least there will be many new voices in this year's election. - S Jessup

Thanks!Editor: Re Maverick McCain. I think McCain 's run for the presidency will do to the Republican party what Ross Perot did the last two presidential elections-that is to put a democrat in office again.
What in the world was he thinking when national polls showed Bush an overwhelming choice to beat the democrats?. Our republican party does more to shoot themselves in the foot than any other oppsing party could do. By the time the primaries are over and the nasty ad campaigns have been aired, all Gore or Bradley will have to do is rebroadcast the republican ads.
Sure McCain won N.H. because of all thre swing voters. The media's love affair with McCain right now is another sure fire warning that all is not well. Since when has the media been so quick to give positive slants to a republican?. The writing is on the wall. Please, PLEASE, all of you true Republicans out there, get off your duff and back and vote for George W. Bush this time around. Look what we got after you did not support his gentlemanly and HONEST father.
I do believe George W. can lead our country out of this morally corrupt government we now have and he shouldn't be baited by those in the media who bring up non-issues . Run on getting the government back on track, getting government back to states and localities, and giving us some of our money back. Social programs are out of control! - Mabel J. Weller

Thanks!Editor: Re Ronald Reagan in Tower 2000 News.

The Next One
May the next President
Not be a scoundrel;
May the next one
Not be a cheat.
May the next one
Not be a liar,
But believe in honor;
May the next one be complete.
The next one: John McCain 2000
Leadership, Courage, Honor.

- Spencer Stauffer

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower 2000 News. I enjoyed visiting the site, and want to thank all involved for the wonderful job. Considering the job President Reagan did fighting communism and promoting our values, I think it may be a good idea to provide all those touched by a recent downturn in his health with an opportunity to express their gratitude and best wishes to this magnificent President and amazing human being, and Mrs. Reagan, the gracious, supporting, loving First Lady only few of us are lucky to meet.
- Jack Strohbach, Tobyhanna, PA

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower 2000 News ads. I buy as much as I can on the net. I buy stuff I wouldn't normally buy off the net. I clicked on the Chicken Pie Shop banners and found it very helpful in locating a great place to eat. Thanks. - Nancy Swan

Thanks!Editor: Re Schneider's syndrome ltr of 01/11/00. As regular followers of the Tower2000.com site, we are laughing out loud that you Tower merchants would allow Ms. Schneider to carry on the way she does. It's obvious that if the association fails to pay its rent eventually someone is going to have to move out. It works that way all over Fresno, why not in the Tower District? Wake-up and smell the coffee grounds! We love the Tower 2000 News format and the ads upgrade for the Chicken Pie Shop is fantastic. So much better than that old layout. What's wrong with you people in the Tower association? Got an affilication? - Kenny G.

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower 2000. "We are concerned that the current web site portrays us negatively....We are requesting you refrain from using our name, the acronym "TDMC" or any other terms that would associate us with the current configuration. Perhaps when we have resumed professional relations we can discuss the future of any (sic)affilication between us." - Janelle Schneider, Executive Director, Tower District Marketing Committee (TDMC) Jan. 11, 2000.

Thanks!Editor: Re Scott's twisted Tower District charity. Charity is more often referred to as love, and love is always a challenge to define accurately. But certainly what is at the heart of love is not misrepesentation! Too bad you finally came to the party, too late. That bus left last week. The one you're on now is the "streetcar named desire." My advice to you is to quit belly-aching for a free-ride and forget about any more Tower charity. Why didn't you take time to tour the world famous Tower Web site before it was taken down and reformatted? According to the news story, you were behind on paying agreed monthly service charges. A material fact you failed to mention. Stupid is as stupid does, they say. - Rev. Jan

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower District. I own a Tower District business and this is my first time looking at the site. I think charity is supposed to be something that does someone some good. Please spare us this kind of charity because it makes us all look stupid. - Scott

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower 2000 News. Great site! So glad to be here! And with a column entitled "Final Frontier" this Alice would not pass up the opportunity to take a closer look at what's not going on in the rowdy Tower District, after all. - Lindsay

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower Changes. The make-over of this site may have been a long time in coming, but it appears to have been worth the wait. I am interested in the intellectual aspects of the A&E world and this new Tower2000.com site is more than overdue. Thank you. - Jane

Thanks!Editor: Re "Final Frontier..." Op-Ed feature. Web Portal Inc. execs are right on to hold that merchants' group in the Tower accountable if they missed their payments. In contracted charity services I have learned the hard way, myself. At first they respect the charity effort, but try to get you to take some kind of merchandise trade-out instead of cash payment. Then, if you don't go for that, in a few weeks they start wheedling you for a larger amount of hand-out, and even begin to rock-the-boat to make certain you get the message. Soon, when you don't go along, it advances to open defiance, coming in late, doing half the work promised, slowing down the audit process, and wanting an ever larger measure for an ever diminishing amount of cooperation by the charity recipient. Its a never ending story typical of every long term charity contract I've seen in the last few

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower2000.com. Found out about your site on Micro Publishing News. What a great find! I'm begining to get back into the true nature and purpose of my soul, and this is the right type of site for inspiration. No more artistic block for me! Maybe all that y2k fallout did it for me! I can see clearly now! We must allow others to see for themselves that the Fresno Tower District now has more going for it than a cup of last year's frozen yoghurt! - Yolanda

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower stuff. Greeting cybernauts! I'm writing a story on "Favorite web sites" and, other digerati and welcome your new format. - Carolyn

Thanks! Editor: Re TNT Final Edition. Love this edition of TNT, a great online literature and visual art experience. Hope the financial situation improves so that future issues are not tired and overworked and underpaid, it's hard to keep fresh without the incentive of financial reward, or even break evenness(if that's a word). - RICK

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower2000.com format changes. Pretty good transition folks. It is fast and loads really well. You designed something that doesn't take a year to load (and this is coming from someone with a 14.4 modem). Also, you had the right idea with content - less is better! I'll check in again. - Matt

Thanks!Editor: Re TNT. You certainly get my vote. Hope you make the Best of The Internet sites award again this year! Like monks in a monastary, illuminating script,Tower2000.com is carrying on the tradition in a Brave New World. - Larry

Thanks!Editor: Re Tower News upgrade. Amazing site. We're regulars. Very beautiful and fab content. We've put a link to you from our Web site. Keep up the wonderful writing. We'll be reading you! - Kenny G.

Thanks!Editor: Re Web Site changes. I am greatly enjoying TNT updates -- please keep them coming. I am also "spreading the word," and giving your URL to as many of my artist friends in California as I can. Once again, thanks for the great site. - Maria

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